Friday, 2 March 2018

History of Java?

History of Java?

Sun was wanted to see what will be next in computing? So they assembeled one team named as Green team Motivaion: Inttial they want to make network of heterogeneous consumer deveces.Theat deveces will be small reliable distributed realtime embedded system.So they decided to make a prototype. Goals: Consume less memory,platform independent,multi threading,secure. INITIATLITY THEY THINK TO USE C++ BUT IT HAS SOME LIMITATION AS WE ALL KNOWS So new language invented ie. Oak(1991) by James Arthur Goslin in 1995 it renamed as Java. 5 sept. 1992 the green team came with the device ie. *7 (StarSeven) handheld touch screen device. Then they targeted Cable TV it doesnt work Then they come toward network, internet. Before java comes into existance internate moves only satic. so sun world inavonce browser HotJava HTML+program(applet)=dynamic its java installed browser and applet are platform independent. Netscape navigator ship with Java. Java was conceived by James Gosling, Patrick Naughton, Chris Warth, Ed Frank, and Mike Sheridan. First Version relesed in 1996